Hosted by Newcastle University and taking place on the 27 June, the next Smart Environment Forum meeting will feature some excellent presentations and representatives from Transport for Greater Manchester, Innovate UK, Newcastle University as well as Professor Phil Blythe who was the former Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department for Transport.
We also plan to have a panel session at the end of the meeting featuring some of our main speakers.
10:30 – 10:50 Doors open with refreshments and networking
10:50 – 11:00 Welcome
Overview of the Day – Professor Margaret Bell, Newcastle University
11:00 – 12:15 Session 1: Infrastructure Provision to support e-mobility
Chair – Keith McCabe ITS UK Carbon Ambassador
- Future Mobility Policy Challenges – Phil Blythe, Newcastle University and former Chief Scientific Advisor for DfT
- V2G and EV Charging – Josey Wardle, Innovation Lead, ZEV Infrastructure, Innovate UK
- “Power Trip”, an E-bike charging solution – Geoff Wallman, Founder and Director, Intelligent International
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:45 Session 2: e-HUBS project findings, Newcastle University
- Electromobility hubs in UK and Europe: Interreg eHUBS project – Dr. Dilum Dissanayake
- Who are the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs and what factors influence uptake? – Dr. Gus Bosehans
- Investigating the environmental impact of shared electric mobility hubs – Dr Yanghanzi Zhang
- What drives customer satisfaction and loyalty towards shared mobility? – Dr. Kuldeep Kavta
- E-Cargo Bikes: A Study into their use in a Shared Mobility Setting – Dr. Pete Sykes
- Policy Implications of e-mobility hubs – Professor Margaret Bell CBE
14:45 – 15:15 Coffee Break and Networking
15:15 – 16:30 Session 3: Panel and Open Discussion
This will be introduced with presentation of Experiences, Lessons Learnt and Challenges from e-Mobility demonstrators:
- in Dublin – Darren Feisser, ESB – Ireland’s foremost energy company since 1927
- in Manchester – Sam Li, Transport for Greater Manchester;
- in Inverness – HITRANS the Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (invited).
16:30 Close of session