The ITS UK Essay Competition invites those early into their careers to submit an essay on a chosen transport technology-related topic, with the opportunity to win £500 and a mentoring session with a leading industry figure!

What is the ITS UK Essay Competition?

Our Early Careers’ Essay Competition is the industry’s annual celebration of those just starting out in the sector. Each year, we invite early career professionals, (those within the first five years of their career in the industry), students and apprentices to submit a 1,500 word essay on a subject related to transport technology and intelligent mobility.

The Competition aims to bring out the creative expression, originality, technical understanding and effective communication of the next generation of intelligent transport professionals and to act as a catalyst for new ideas and thinking in the sector. Often the newest, most profound ideas come from those just starting out.

Two winners are selected – one early careers professional and one student or apprentice – each of whom will recieve a £500 prize and a mentoring session with a leading industry expert. Plus, the winner will have their essay published by ITS UK and shared with thousands of members, giving them a fantastic head-start in their career!

I am absolutely delighted and honoured to have been selected as a winner of the ITS UK Early Careers Essay Competition. Receiving this award is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the collective efforts of everyone who has supported and inspired me along the way.

Alison Gibson, 2023 Early Careers Essay Winner

The Prizes

The Prizes will give each of the two winners a fantastic head-start in their profession – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  • £500 cash reward
  • A mentoring session with either Dr Joanna White, Roads Development Director at National Highways or Paul Campion, Chief Executive Officer at TRL.
  • Your award presented to you at the ITS UK Early Careers Drinks Reception, giving you recognition in front of your peers.
  • Your essay published on the ITS UK website and circulated to the ITS UK membership.


Main Supporter


Get involved

The Early Career’s Essay Competition is has now closed. The judges are reviewing the entries and selecting two winners. The winners will be announced at the Early Careers Drinks Reception on 15 May in London.

The Topics

Essays can can cover any of the three following topics:

A Transport Network for All – How does the ITS sector ensure the future of transport is accessible and inclusive?

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Technology has a key role to play in ensuring everyone has access to our transport network. Whether it is supporting those with accessibility needs, providing a safe environment for vulnerable members of the public, or offering an inclusive industry for all, this topic is about what role accessibility and inclusivity play in the sector.  We would welcome essays that, for example, explore projects where technology has improved accessibility, how the ITS or transport network can be made more inclusive or how you see the sector ensuring that it is open to all.

Freight of the Future – How will technology change the logistics, freight and maritime sectors?

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The freight, logistics and maritime industries are of essential importance to the economy, and the need for new technology to support the movement of goods around the country, or internationally, is just as vital. For this topic, essays could explore how technology is changing the logistics or freight sector or could provide a case study of a particular project. We welcome essays that cover all elements of the logistics and freight industries – from shipping to last mile and micro-freight to ports and haulage.

A Sustainable Revolution – How do we ensure our transport network is ready for Net Zero?

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The road to Net Zero will require innovation and new ways of thinking. Whether its the electrification of the vehicle fleet, encouraging people onto public and active transport, or increasing efficiency on the network, technology has an essential role to play. In this topic, we are looking for essays that explore any aspect around transport technology and reaching net zero, whatever the mode. We welcome essays that look at a particular case study, or that look at the issue more holistically, as long as it demonstrates a clear link between how transport technology can support sustainability.

Meet the Mentors

Each winner will have the chance to meet with one of our mentors and talk to them about how to progress their career.

Roads Development Director, National Highways
Chief Executive Officer, TRL

Judging Criteria

The general criteria below are intended to act as a guide to entrants, but the judges will also exercise personal judgement when making their decision.

  1. Originality and boldness – the uniqueness of the essay’s argument.
  2. Relevance to theme – how well does the essay relate to the given topic.
  3. Clarity and articulation – how easy the essay is to understand and how clear the case is within it, with well-written pros.
  4. Evidenced and considered – how well is the essay grounded in research and what considerations have been made of cost, environmental impact and ability to implement, for example.
  5. Forward thinking, impact and creativity – reflects creativity, progressiveness and a futuristic outlook.

For entries from early career professionals, we’ll expect a greater demonstration of technical knowledge and understanding, than those from students or apprentices, along with industry reflections.

Entry Criteria

  • Two prizes will be awarded, one for the best entry from an Early Careers Professional and one for the best Student or Apprentice.
  • To enter the Early Careers Professional category, you must be within the first five years of your career in the intelligent transport industry (this can be over multiple roles).*
  • To enter the Student/Apprentice category, you must currently be a student or in an apprenticeship. Undergraduate and Masters students can apply to this category. PhD student entries will be judged in the Early Careers Professional category.
  • ITS UK will only accept one entry per individual.
  • The word limit for each entry is 1,500. Entries over 1,500 words will be disqualified. Images, diagrams and graphs should be included within the essay body and will not contribute to the word limit.
  • Entries should be the sole work of the author. Plagiarism or use of others’ work will result in disqualification. Evidence and arguments from other sources should be fully referenced.

* Please note, ITS UK will offer leeway for those a few months over the five years. You will need to notify ITS UK via email if this applies to you (

Last Year’s Winners

In 2024, the Best Early Careers Essay was awarded to Alison Gibson of Clearview Intelligence and the Best Student/Apprentice Essay to Anesu Jahura of the University of Cape Town.

Alison’s essay covered the topic of “Safety Assured – What role will technology play in delivering a safe transport network?” and Anesu’s looked at “The Data Revolution – How will the better use of data transform transport and logistics?”.