Hello from Max Sugarman, the new Chief Executive of ITS UK

Dear ITS UK Member,

Today I start as the new Chief Executive of ITS UK and want to get in touch to introduce myself and offer an opportunity to meet.

I’m hugely excited to be joining ITS UK at such an important time. There has never been a more critical need for intelligent transport systems – whether in reducing carbon emissions, improving safety, supporting innovative jobs and investment, boosting overseas exports or increasing capacity on a transport network that is seeing ever higher demand, to name but a few.

ITS UK members are at the heart of our transport industry and the sector contains some of the most dynamic, interesting and high tech organisations in the country. What you, our members, do makes this a really fascinating and important industry to be joining, and one which I’m thrilled to be part of.

My background is in supporting trade associations and organisations to get their voice heard, develop their offer and build up a thriving community of members. For five years I supported the Railway Industry Association, the UK trade body for rail suppliers, as Public Affairs & PR Director where I ran an award-winning communications function and supported the organisation to grow its membership, increase satisfaction scores and represent the industry to Government decision makers. I join ITS UK from the Catapult Network, the nation’s nine innovation centres, where I supported their public affairs and policy activity, particularly making the case for a greater focus on innovation.

As the new Chief Executive, I’m keen to build on the fantastic work of Jennie Martin and the team to make your industry association the best it can be. I’ve already seen some of the great work ITS UK is doing, including some brilliant events and webinars, intelligence sharing, networking opportunities, promotional activities, skills and early careers development and advocacy for the industry – there is far too much to list here. It is also great to see ITS UK acting as a conduit for members to a world-wide network of organisations, ensuring we are connected to colleagues across the international community. It is clear what a vibrant organisation ITS UK is, with members who are passionate about seeing the sector thrive and succeed.

I’m ambitious to ensure we continue supporting the ITS UK membership and take the organisation to the next stage of its development. As I start in this role, I want to hear from you about what you value from ITS UK and how we can continue to improve our offer. I would like to hear how you work with ITS UK, what it does to support your organisation and also what else it can do to create an even bigger and better intelligent transport sector. I’d be happy to meet either in person or virtually – you can get in touch with me via email msugarman@its-uk.org.uk

I am really grateful too that Jennie will be staying on until 13 January to help ensure a smooth transition.

A big thank you to those who I’ve already met, including the Board and ITS UK team, all of whom have made me feel so welcome. And to those I am yet to meet, I look forward to seeing you at an ITS UK event soon.

I am truly excited to be starting my journey at ITS UK with you.

See you soon,


Max Sugarman,

Chief Executive, ITS UK