ITS sector hails King’s Speech that places transport and technology at its core

17 July 2024: The King’s Speech today set out the new Government’s legislative agenda for the upcoming Parliament, placing transport and technology at its centre. Bills proposed by the Government include:

  • Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill to bring rail services back into public ownership, to improve passenger journeys and deliver on the mission to drive growth;
  • Better Buses Bill to reform the bus system by delivering new powers for local leaders to franchise local bus services and lifting the restriction on the creation of new publicly owned bus operators;
  • Railways Bill to bring together the management of the network and the delivery of passenger services into a single public body, Great British Railways (GBR); and
  • Digital Information and Smart Data Bill to establish Digital Verification Services, develop a National Underground Asset Register and set up Smart Data schemes.

Responding to the King’s Speech, Max Sugarman, Chief Executive of Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), said: “Today’s King’s Speech placed transport and technology at the heart of the Government’s legislative agenda, setting out measures for the reform of the bus and rail network, and for the establishment of more digital and smart data services.

“In particular, the transport technology sector will welcome the focus on smart ticketing within the proposed Railways Bill, the opportunities for greater integration between modes that the planned rail and bus legislation offers, and the benefits that can be delivered from the Smart Data Bill, such as by creating an ‘open banking’ approach to transport services. All of these policies we called for in our Future of Transport Manifesto, so it’s fantastic to see progress so quickly into the new Parliamentary term.

“One item that was absent from the Speech was a Micromobility Bill, to set out a permanent regulatory footing for e-scooters. We would urge the Government to work with the sector to show how it wishes to proceed, in order to give providers certainty for the future.”

“On behalf of the transport technology industry, we look forward to working with the Government on the Bills set out and its wider mission-driven agenda.”

Note to Editors

  1. The King’s Speech can be found here and the accompanying briefing note here
  2. ITS UK’s Manifesto for the Future of Transport can be found here
  3. About ITS UK: About ITS UK: Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK) is the voice of the transport technology industry. ITS UK provides a national platform to support the roll out of technology for a cleaner, safer and more effective transport network, both at home and abroad. We support our 175 members – from both the private and public sector, and covering all sizes and disciplines – through advocacy to policy makers, connecting people and organisations, promoting the industry overseas and supporting innovation across the intelligent transport ecosystem.