ITS UK welcomes new Government & publishes 100 Day Plan

On Friday 5 July, the UK woke up to a new Prime Minister, Government and host of new Members of Parliament following the General Election. 

Labour have secured a predicted landslide victory, with 412 seats. The Conservative Party have seen the loss of some 250 seats and will be returning 120 MPs to the new Parliament. 

The SNP lost 38 seats, whilst the Liberal Democrats reaped some big wins, especially in the South and South West, gaining 63 seats and securing 71 in total.

Both Reform UK and the Green Party have gained 4 seats each, their largest wins in their history, and six Independent candidates were also elected. 

What will a new Labour Government, with a large majority, mean for transport technology? You can read our response to the Labour Party Manifesto here and our briefing of all three main Party Manifestos here

We have also welcomed the new Government, and published a ‘100 Day Plan for Transport Technology’, setting out some clear practical steps for the new Government to lead a transport technology revolution. 

100 Day Plan for Transport Technology

At the start of June, ITS UK published its Manifesto for the Future of Transport, setting out ten recommendations for the next Government to spearhead a transport technology revolution. Our Manifesto, which can be read here, covers key issues including connectivity and automation, integration of the transport network, industry growth and the role of transport in supporting sustainability and society.

Today, we are building on that Manifesto by publishing a 100 Day Plan for Transport Technology, putting our key Manifesto asks into a detailed timeline of action, covering the first 30, 60 and 100+ days of the new Government. We look forward to working with the new Government and all policymakers across Parliament to make the case for the role of technology in supporting an efficient, green, seamless and safe transport network.

ITS UK welcomes the new Government

ITS UK has welcomed the new Government. Max Sugarman, Chief Executive, said: “On behalf of ITS UK and our members, I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the new Labour Government on the election, as well as all MPs who have been returned to Westminster.

“These coming years are pivotal for our transport network – with major technological changes coming down the line, there is a need to decarbonise, improve safety, increase capacity, and to create more seamless journeys for the travelling public. Whether through automated vehicles, AI, smart ticketing, open data or demand responsive transport, technology has a key role to play in supporting our transport system, and in creating much needed growth for the wider economy.

“Today, we have published a 100 Day Plan, setting out how Government can work with industry to ensure the UK becomes a global leader in transport technology. Building upon our Manifesto for the Future of Transport, it sets out clear and practical steps for spearheading an intelligent transport revolution across the UK.

“We look forward to working with the Government to achieve it, and to collaborating in future to ensure a smarter, safer, more sustainable transport network for all.”