ITS UK welcomes ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’

22 August 2024: Yesterday, the Urban Transport Group published the ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’. This Review was commissioned in 2023 by the Labour party in opposition, to provide an independent input to its transport strategy and policy. The independent Review was led by Juergen Maier CBE, former Siemens CEO and guided by an Expert Panel from across the industry. Secretariat support was provided by the Urban Transport Group, with expertise and thought leadership support from Arup.

Max Sugarman, Chief Executive of Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), said: “We commend the policy recommendations set out in the Rail and Urban Transport Review, particularly the call for cross-sectoral Transport Strategy for England (TSE) and proposals for a long-term strategy to fund asset maintenance and renewal in urban areas that harnesses advances in technology.

“Transport is often considered in siloes between modes, including across rail, road, active travel and more. But, the travelling public do not look at our transport system like that – they simply care that their journeys are efficient, safe, accessible, cost-effective and green. So, it is positive to see this report call for a Strategy that will bring modes together and look holistically at our transport network.

“As the ITS UK Manifesto for the Future of Transport highlights, technology plays a key role in the integration of our network. ITS UK and our member stand ready to support the new Government in breaking down siloes between transport modes, to ensure we can provide seamless end-to-end journeys for all who use the network.”

Note to Editors

  1. Read the ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’ here
  2. ITS UK’s Manifesto for the Future of Transport can be found here
  3. About ITS UK: About ITS UK: Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK) is the voice of the transport technology industry. ITS UK provides a national platform to support the roll out of technology for a cleaner, safer and more effective transport network, both at home and abroad. We support our 175 members – from both the private and public sector, and covering all sizes and disciplines – through advocacy to policy makers, connecting people and organisations, promoting the industry overseas and supporting innovation across the intelligent transport ecosystem.