Member Profiles

National Highways

National Highways is the government company charged with operating, maintaining and improving England’s motorways and major A roads. Formerly the Highways England, they became a government company in April 2015.

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GEWI provides its TIC software platform for both government and commercial clients since. TIC is used for a diverse range of applications including traffic and travel information services, Work Zone and Road Space Management, ITS asset management, Road Incident Management, connected vehicles, traffic news for radio, and real-time navigation services.

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Harrod Booth Consulting Ltd

Harrod Booth Consulting is a specialist transportation and I.T. consultancy, offering high-quality advice, services and expertise focused mainly on Intelligent Transport Systems and highway maintenance activities.

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Ian Routledge Consultancy

Ian Routledge Consultancy offers specialist traffic control services to central and local government as well other consultants in the UK and overseas.

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Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions Ltd

Imperial is one of the UK’s largest and most experienced providers of parking, environmental and traffic management systems.

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Imperial College London

Imperial is a global top ten university with a world-class reputation in science, engineering, business and medicine.

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Innovate UK

Innovate UK drives productivity and growth by supporting businesses to realise the potential of new technologies, develop ideas and make them a commercial success.

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INRIX is the global leader in connected car services and transportation analytics. Leveraging big data and the cloud, INRIX delivers comprehensive services and solutions.

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