New Year Message from the Chair & Chief Executive
We hope you had a good New Year.
2023 was a busy and successful year for ITS UK. We organised nearly 50 events attended cumulatively by more than 1,200 people. We launched a new website, rebrand and Members Area and reinvigorated our Forum programme, with two events held by each of our 15 Forums.
We took a greater role in acting as the voice of the transport technology industry. We met with Ministers, Special Advisors, Shadow Ministers and senior leaders across the transport industry. We made the case for a new Future of Transport Bill, for changes to how enforcement technology is approved and for a more integrated, data-driven, greener transport network. We worked to celebrate you, through our awards and publication of more than 140 of your news stories. And, over the course of the year, we welcomed 27 new Members – and six new/upgraded Executive Members – to the ITS UK community.

In our end of year survey, carried out by independent polling company The Pulse Business, we heard from you on how you were finding your ITS UK experience:
- 76% of the membership picked the two highest member satisfaction criteria, saying you were either ‘really happy’ or ‘quite happy’ with your membership. Some 46% of you – nearly half – scored us the highest category, ‘really happy’, for your membership experience.
- You told us that the re-energised Forum Programme was the member service you derived most value from, followed closely by the range of new events we’ve introduced, like the Executive Dinners, Transport 2030 Webinars and new conferences.
- 77% of members said they valued our public affairs and advocacy work, and how we were engaging more with key political stakeholders and government officials. And 85% rated our communications in the highest categories, as either ‘really’ or ‘quite’ good.

It is good to hear that ITS UK members are getting value from their membership, and in 2024, we’re going to build on this great work to deliver even more for members. With a General Election in sight, a Comprehensive Spending Review on the horizon, an uncertain economic outlook – particularly for many Local Authorities, rapid technological changes in AI and data, and major investment programmes like RIS3 and CP7 coming down the line, the next year will by no means be quiet.
There are many opportunities to seize, but there will also be challenges the sector will need to navigate. This is where we’re here to help. As part of the member survey, we asked you what your top priority for ITS UK was in 2024 and you told us that ‘advocating on behalf of the sector to help boost the profile of, and investment in, intelligent transport’ was number one.
As your membership organisation, we’re here to support you, and to help you steer through whatever changes lie ahead. ITS UK will continue to act as your champion; making the case for a growing and successful intelligent transport industry whether overseas or in the UK. We are determined to ensure the sector is recognised as a strategic industry by Government and one that provides a key economic growth sector for the UK.
We’ll do this by ensuring you have the market and policy intelligence you need, by providing networking opportunities to create new partnerships and collaborations, by representing the sector internationally and by celebrating the fantastic work you do.
And our door is always open to a conversation about how we can best support you – just call us on 0207 709 3003 or email
We wish you a successful 2024 and look forward to working with you over the coming year. Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Stuart Scott
Chair, ITS UK
Max Sugarman
Chief Executive, ITS UK