Submission to Spending Review II

Eduardo Pitts
Public Affairs & PR Executive

In Winter 2024, the Government announced the second phase of its Spending Review. This is the process the Government uses to set all departments’ budgets for future years. This covers both the services the public uses every day, like the NHS, schools and transport, and how the Government will invest in research, energy security and infrastructure to drive economic growth across the country.

In ITS UK’s submission, we set out five key priorities for the Government, and show how they relate to Labour’s Five Missions of Growth, Climate, Safety, Opportunity and Health. Further information on the Five Missions can be found here.


  • Introduce a national mobility pricing scheme, that incentivises the fairer and sustainable use of the transport network.
  • Leverage technology to achieve the UK’s ambitions for the road network, particularly in the upcoming RIS3 and through support for enforcement and safety technology.
  • Support the uptake of Demand Responsive Transport through reform of VAT for on-demand buses.
  • Support a different approach to the procurement of transport technology that allows for more operational expenditure for local authorities.
  • Support a strategic approach to the integration of transport, through open data, micromobility legislation and smart ticketing.