Submission to the Transport Select Committee Inquiry into Buses Connecting Communities

Eduardo Pitts
Public Affairs & PR Executive

On 28 November 2024, the Transport Select Committee launched an inquiry into Buses Connecting Communities. The inquiry set out to determine why bus services and ridership is down in certain parts of the country, examining the role that buses play in connecting rural communities throughout the UK.

The inquiry has also looked at the effectiveness of recent Government policy in tackling the decline in bus services. It evaluated the social and economic consequences of poor connectivity and considers whether innovations in alternative service models could provide solutions. The Committee will also scrutinise how the Government’s proposed bus reforms address the particular challenges faced by rural areas and local authorities outside of major cities.

ITS UK has responded to this inquiry by outlining how Demand Responsive Transport can help solve connectivity issues and access to transport in rural communities.

The response to this inquiry sets out four key recommendations:

  1. Remove the VAT on DRT services using Private Hire Vehicles as part of the
    HMRC review of VAT for ride hailing operators.
  2. Encourage local authorities to take on innovative approaches to public
    transport. Set up long term funding frameworks for DRT, that move the
    sector beyond trials.
  3. Shift to output-based contracts to ensure DRT is being evaluated on
    effective metrics.
  4. Include DRT within the Integrated National Transport Strategy and work
    with other modes, bus operators and transport authorities to improve
    data access.