Traffic filters monitoring and evaluation plan published

Detailed plans for how Oxfordshire County Council will monitor and evaluate the impact of the traffic filters trial in Oxford have now been published.

The monitoring and evaluation plan sets out how the council will measure the predicted impacts of the traffic filters, based on evidence.

The filters will be implemented as a trial under an experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO), expected to begin in autumn 2024, after Network Rail’s work to improve Oxford rail station is completed and Botley Road is re-opened. 

Councillor Duncan Enright, Cabinet Member for Travel and Development Strategy at Oxfordshire County Council said: “We expect traffic filters to have a big impact. Residents and visitors should be able to enjoy faster, better buses, safer cycle routes and quieter streets with cleaner air. The monitoring and evaluation plan shows that we are already preparing to make sure the trial is a thorough test.”

Traffic filters are designed to reduce traffic, make bus journeys faster and more reliable, and make walking and cycling safer and more convenient in Oxford. The filters will work together with other elements of the county council’s central Oxfordshire travel plan to encourage greener and healthier travel.

The development and publication of the monitoring and evaluation plan follows the Monitoring Framework, published in November 2022, which stated that a detailed monitoring plan will be prepared well in advance of the start of the ETRO.

Following a minimum six-month, and maximum 18-month trial, including a public consultation, the county council will decide whether, and in what form, traffic filters should be continued. This decision will be informed by monitoring and evaluation of the filters’ effectiveness and impacts, as well as results from public consultation, and feedback from engagement with community groups and businesses.

During the trial, a monthly dashboard summary will give the county council, residents and other interested people a regular snapshot update on the trial traffic filters’ impacts.

Towards the end of the trial period, an evaluation report will provide a detailed assessment of the traffic filters, based on the full range of data, research and surveys.

The monitoring will also help to identify whether any changes would be required to the traffic filters to ensure the expected benefits are realised and to mitigate any negative impacts.

The monitoring and evaluation plan and supporting documents are available to view on the council website:


Full Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Appendix A: Monitoring Data and Evidence

Appendix B: Corrective Action Framework

More information

Traffic filters are one of a range of measures designed to work together to reduce traffic, improve bus services and improve walking and cycling facilities in Oxford. More information on the central Oxfordshire travel plan web pages.

The traffic filters are six locations on roads in Oxford where private cars will not be allowed to go through during the filters’ hours of operation, unless an exemption applies or a permit is used.

The impacts of the traffic filter scheme will be measured using monitoring data. Key questions include

  • What are the impacts on traffic flow across areas and key locations?
  • What are the impacts on road-user journey times by area / routes / time period / mode / vehicle type?
  • What are the impacts on bus journey times by area / routes / time period?
  • What are the impacts on cycle flows (overall and by area / routes)?
  • What are the impacts on pedestrian flows (overall and by area / routes)?
  • What are the economic impacts, and impacts on footfall, at key locations e.g., city centre, district centres, other key locations such as Cowley Road, Jericho, St Clements?