Winner of the 2023 ITSNow Innovation Awards Announced

Alistair Gollop, Founder of ITS Now, has released the shortlist and winner for the 2023 @ITSNow
Innovation Awards. These awards reflect innovation within the Intelligent Transport Systems sector
and were announced in the current episode of the popular @ITSNow YouTube channel.

The winner of the 2023 @ITS Now Innovation Award

The Yunex Traffic, Fusion Urban Traffic Control system.
This moves forward from the existing capabilities used by the majority of highway authorities in the
UK, and is currently being trialled in London and Hampshire, and is due for general release later this
year. The importance of this new UTC platform cannot be understated, it is as big a development as
SCOOT was when it was first introduced by TrL in the 1970s.

In second place

Traffic Group Signals, Metro temporary traffic signal, and in particular the software configuration for
this, which is a very sophisticated and capable package.

In third place

PTC 3 traffic signal controller from Swarco. This includes a very capable technology platform which
features a number of innovations.

Congratulations to our Innovation Award winners, we’ll be looking at some of these in the
Technology Insights series in coming episodes, so don’t miss those to find out more.

Notes to Editors
ITS Now – Intelligent Transport Systems – Explained
Alistair Gollop is the Founder of ITS Now which exists to promote best practice and professional
development within the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector. ITS Now originates resources
ranging from videos, reference books and guidance documents through to informative references
and educational content. A recognised Intelligent Transport Systems industry figure with over 30
years in-depth experience, resulting in an extensive specialist knowledge of traffic systems. A former
Technical Principal at Mott MacDonald, he has particular experience in preliminary equipment
assessments, due diligence reports, field trials and integration into traffic systems and has a detailed
knowledge of specialist technologies and equipment, standards and statutory requirements, along
with ancillary issues, such as passive safety and the implications these pose on the design and
management of traffic system installations. As well as the UK, Alistair has worked in diverse locations
across Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australasia. He is the author of the
well-respected ”Traffic Signals” and “Traffic Control” books, along with numerous articles for
publications. In addition to presenting at conferences, he is also a panellist and facilitator at events.
He also sits on the board of The Institute of Highway Engineers, where he is currently the Vice-chair
of the Professional Development Portfolio.

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Telephone: +44 (0)7717 224 366